Thursday, October 31, 2019

Lemons and Peaches The impact of Asymmetrical Information on Essay

Lemons and Peaches The impact of Asymmetrical Information on Healthcare in the NHS and how this can be addressed through the National Insurance System - Essay Example er David Akerlof illustrated this situation elaborately in his famous work â€Å"The Market for Lemon† where he termed this situation as asymmetric information. He discussed this problem in the context of a used car market. He regarded the good car as peach and the bad cars as lemon. Akerlof argued that in a used car market a seller uses to have more information regarding the quality of a used car, i.e. the seller knows more accurately whether the car that he is selling is a peach or a lemon. But the buyer, on the other hand, uses to be in a more disadvantaged state as he posses less information regarding whether the car that he wants to buy is a peach or a lemon and hence the buyer can only make a guess whether the car would provide good service. (Akerlof, 1970; Arrow, 1963) Information asymmetry problem is not a problem of any particular market. In fact, most of the markets face this kind of informational problem, although degree of this problem differs from market to market. Typically when there exists information asymmetry problem in any market, it is mainly the sellers who possess more information about the product than the buyers during the process of transaction; however, in some cases the reverse can also take place. Health care system is not an exception and it also faces severe information asymmetry problem. Information asymmetry is present in the market of health care as well as in the market of health insurance. It would be quite interesting to look at the nature of information asymmetry in health care sector and how this problem can be dealt with to avoid any kind of market failure. (Arrow, 1963; Blomqvist and Leger, 2003) In the national health care system of any country, the relationship between physician and patients is regarded as the key relationship that the health care market has to deal with. In the presence of information asymmetry there exists a gap between the patients and the medical service providers regarding the price of the product as

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mental Health Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mental Health Promotion - Essay Example CONCEPT OF MENTAL HEALTH There has been various concepts and approaches to mental health. According to the Department of Health, some of the factors that greatly influenced mental health are family traditions, beliefs, and cultural practices. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health, as a state of being physically, mentally and socially fit. Being healthy does not just mean the absence of sickness or physical incapacity. Mental health is therefore a fundamental indicator of the overall health and well being of a person. However, many other sources simply view mental health merely as the absence of disease or illness. This view is supported in the biomedical model of health as mentioned by Seedhouse (2002). On the other hand, Seeker (2005) indicated in his study that to get the best result from caregiver’s intervention approach, there is a need to focus on the diagnosis and interpretations of a disease in pathological terms. There is a big disparity between one who is diagnosed with mental illness in contrast to another condition where there is no medical diagnosis, in terms of access to medical care and health services. Persons diagnosed of mental illness that gets access to healthcare and social services developed some sense of emotional security from the support and should cope better with the challenge. In contrast, a person who is not diagnosed of being mentally ill may not get the needed support and attention from caregivers resulting to negative feelings of being neglected. A more comprehensive definition of mental health was coined by the Health Education Authority (HEA) in 1997. The agency’s definition of mental health put emphasis on the spiritual and emotional ability of the person to endure and recover from painful experiences or sufferings in life. This resilience will enable a mentally healthy person to move on and enjoy life after a suffering some form of pain (Squire 2002, Wagnild & Collins 2009). In 2004, the World Health Organization pronounced an insightful definition of mental health giving emphasis to normal aspects of living. It is a state of well-being in which the individual is conscious of his social ties and can cope up with the day to day stresses of life. A mentally healthy person should therefore be able to work productively and to offer something positive to their community. Such productivity and positive contribution promotes inner satisfaction and greatly reinforces overall health. Nations all over the globe are looking into mental health promotion with renewed interest. Mental health is essentially the condition that dictates the total well-being and productivity of a person. Intervention through health promotion is far more effective in safeguarding mental health than treatments and medicinal therapies at the on stage of a fully diagnosed mental illness. This latter approach is rather expensive and yet less effective as presented in the following research and studies. CONCEPT OF MEN TAL HEALTH PROMOTION Activities that promote the mental health of individuals has a positive effect in preventing and reducing mental illness (Barry & Jenkins 2007) and in the fast recovery of mentally afflicted individuals (Friedli 2009). In 2001, the Department of Health introduced mental health promotion as any action or activity that enhances or supports the mental well-being of a person, family,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

John Lockes Theory of Property

John Lockes Theory of Property John Locke was born at the time when England was rising against monarchism and the rights of the ordinary people were being revised to envisage the possibilities of sharing power with the ruler. His father was a republican and his views were indifferently influenced by his father to be concerned about the rights of the working people. This was very much reflected in his political theory which cannot be snapped of all ties with this economic and in particular his views regarding property ownership. With his liberal thinking John Locke viewed the ordinary views of rights to property, especially in relation to land as the primary entitlement beyond the prevalent system. His influence in the growth of property laws and later land laws is immense. Property rights and other philosophies in that area have been widely grown and developed much from John Lockes theory in relation to property. This right to property is not to be confused with personal rights as the rights to a property by an in dividual is to be celebrated at rem or against all third parties which John Locke divided into: Common Private Properties John Lockes theory in relation to property can be outlined into: Divinely ordained nature of property and the labourer; Self-ownership emanating from such rights to property by application of labour; Limits on the property and related statues; Need to protect property and the ultimate necessity of governance. The above theory is based on his major political essay, the Second Treatise of Government. This essay will endeavour to critically examine the practicality of his views and whether the theory ultimately delivers any clear message to the development of the property rights. This critical analysis will reflect on the theorists and scholars who wish to remain supportive of Lockes views and also to set a contrast by discussing the views of those scholars who oppose him. Chapter V of his Treatise would be receiving especial attention in this essay as that is where Locke discussed individuals rights  [1]  to property. Section 25, 26, 27, 28 and 31  [2]  will be the pivotal discussions to reflect on the central views of his theory. The essay has based on the criticisms of all theories from the points of modern day scholars, lawyers and judicial decisions by the courts in England and Wales primarily. An endeavour will be made at the end to circumnavigate the relevance of his theory in modern times. Examination of The Theory John Lockes writing were in refute of Robert Filmer. Robert Filmer was a defender of the divine right of Kings and he also said it was wrong to kill yourself because the king owned your life. But Locke argued that God had given the world to man in common. John Locke did not give any emphasis on the natural value of the property rather emphasized on the labour of people to add value to the property. He wrote in his Second Treatise on the issue of property and the value of labour with a economical and philosophical acumen. The main features of Lockes theory on property are as follows: Properties do not have much value as of a divine ordainment rather he is of the view that labour adds the deserving value to the property which is regarded as the principle of first appropriation; The ownership to a property is created by the related labour That Government proceeds property as Government also protects individual ownerships or rights to the property; The Government cannot act arbitrarily to remove individuals from estates and this confirms rights of people to the property and it also establishes that the Government must value individual rights and labours; Properties can be private and common properties; Property has narrow and wider definitions. In the broad sense in includes rights and interests to the property whereas the narrow sense includes the material goods only; Property and rights thereof are natural by application of labour as with labour goods and benefits thereof are created gving entitlement to the producer;  [3]   Human beings have to take from nature to eat and drink and to produce to live as a natural right to preserve themselves and with this they have an obligation to God. Human beings produce and have rights to his produce as a means to preserve themselves as he opines in section 25; God has given this world in common along with the abilities to use this resources therein to live as explained in section 26; there are things which people own in nature including their person and labour; Labour is the means which confirms which is privately owned and commonly owned as discussed in section 28; When a person works his labour enters object and that object becomes property and a right is created in that property in the process. Man should be taking only what he can use or utilise before it spoils as discussed in section 31 creating a limitation to the property rights; Locke says, As much as any one can make use of to any advantage of life before it spoils.  [4]  The right to a property is only clear and exclusive as long as it doesnt jeopardize anyone elses ability to create equivalent types of property for himself and the purpose and justification for this limit is that Nothing was made by God for Man to spoil or destroy.  [5]   Someone is entitled to take up to the point where there is some left and he is also of the opinion that there should be enough land for everyone as mentioned in section 33; Where there is not enough land left then non-owners should labour on owned lands to sustain or preserve themselves as discussed in section 34; What property ownership brings happiness and in his capitalist view where everything is owned then that brings greater joy which he discusses in section 37 and he goes to compare unhappiness of unowned lands and people therein in America to happier people in Britain where everything is owned; Labour enhances the quality of a land and makes it more productive than it was ever before as a natural waste land; That private property attainable by money as he mentions in section 46 and as an exception to his spoilage principle above he explains that money helps people produce more than he can use before getting spoilt as he can sell that property as well and money is not perishable; That money is the means to barter and exchange possession of the properties as mentioned in section 50; That money allows more industrious and rational  [6]  to accumulate wealth and the increased accumulation would jeopardise the possibilities of all to own without the spoilage limitation which also concern personal safety for which civic society is needed to have enforcement authority and men would find it advantageous to form the civic government.  [7]   Government ensures safety to life, liberty and estate.  [8]  Therefore, ownership of private properties is one of the main reasons for the existence of a state. But for tension amongst people, Locke is of the view that not only scarcity of property by ownerships but also by dint of increasing population. Critical Thinking From the chronological discussion of the main issues of Lockes theory on property it appears that his provisos to his own theory as for example, the spoilage theory or natural rights theory to leave for all to have are defeated with the money clause as a means to barter. The theory seems to fail in the claim for Gods nature to be preserved for all. He is of the view that in order to preserve such rights to property humans forms civic societies and governments are established to secure rights to such properties in a guaranteeing manner with authority to enforce the rights to the property. His theory seems to be based on selfishness which also seems to be unfair. Lockes theory seems to be puzzling, contradictory and without any precise solution. Lockes theory leaves generations of owners which seem to be unfair as only people who can work are allowed to own property. This defeats the democratic norm. During Lockes time only property owners could vote then the question arises about the justifications of those without owning property willing to be part of the society where they have nothing to protect as personal property. Locke does refer to divinely ordained natural rights to property but his theory goes against the very basic ethos of Christianity. He himself mentioned commonly owned property rights to have come before capitalism, and the selfish ownership of property by a group at the cost of poverty of the other group seems to be against the very basics of Christian beliefs. It does not seem to shake hands with Gods love for all. Locke gives priority to common good over common ownership but common good seems to be elusive in practical world with ownership of properties being controlled by a certain group of the mass. In L ockes theory, a certain number of people are born to be owners and certain others are born not to have at inception which creates a class structural problem which unjustifiably plunges a group of people in endless toiling whereas the other group does not work or hardly works. This seems to be unnatural at the core when nature did not create such inequalities. Scholastic Appraisal Leading scholars have viewed Lockes theory variably. Some are supportive and many are critical of his theory. Those that are critical have mention inconsistencies and contradictions. I will attempt to highlight some of these points Hume confronts Locke and acts opposite about property being natural rights. According to Hume private property is constructed by man, not of nature but of convention. Therefore there is no inherent relationship between a thing a being. Our property is nothing but those goods, whose constant possession is establishd by the laws of society; that is, by the laws of justice.  [9]   This means that if there is nothing natural then property rights are always open to disruption. Ramon comments on the second limit placed by John Locke of accumulating property in relation to money. Lockes assertion that one can accumulate any amount of money is suggested to be incompatible with the first limit as to how much property one can own. The fact natural products differs from money by that natural products will rot and money will not. They are both useful and therefore essentially the same. Ramon also considers three objections to Lockes theory i) it does not explicitly account for the development of an employer-employee relationship ii) his theory fails to provide a means of determining what share of the product which is produced rightly belongs to the employer and what share rightly belongs to employees. iii) theory fails to provide a means of determining what share of the product produced as a result of a division of labour rightly belongs to each person involved in its production. Leo Strauss was of the opinion that Locke in fact believed there is no genuine natural law rather only conventional law.  [10]   Richard Cox in his Locke on War and Peace argues that Lockes Two Treatises are of two levels with opposing views. The first one uses classical orthodox view of God and men and divine relationship and feeling for fellow men whereas the second one views men as Hobbesian creature ruled by passions. But his view seems to be an exaggeration. Mac Person believes that Locke rather had a hidden assumption of possessive individualism and according to Locke society and individual interactions were nothing more than relationship of exchange of properties.  [11]  This seems to make Lockes theory to be harsh and selfish. MacPherson explains that though Locke is of the opinion that through private ownership entire wealth of the community to increase, yet, there was no guarantee that the wealth would be equally distributed. He is also of the opinion that Locke contradicts himself when he assumes that overall life of all will be bettered regardless of who owns the property,  [12]  yet, he expects people who dont own property to work for those who own for the sake of subsistence which in fact helps the owners accumulate wealth through unfair advantage. But the above scholars have also been subjected to serious criticisms as well in their assessment of Lockes theory. For example, Peter Laslett brands MacPhersons criticism as thoroughly unrealistic and occasionally unhistoric.  [13]   One of the supporters of Lockes theory, Martin Seliger in his The Liberal Politics of John Locke believes that most of the apparent confusions raised about Lockes theory of property emanate from misinterpreting Lockes approach about equality. He is of the view that though Locke posited political equality in nature, yet he never opined that there would be equality of possessions.  [14]   Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto  [15]  believed the abolition of private property as he was of the opinion that the bourgeoisie has always oppressed the working class with private ownership by means of labour where the working class would work and the owners would not work and exploit that working class. He was also of the opinion that the state formulated laws to rule for oppression in support of the ruling or owner class. This seems to be radically different from the views of John Locke. But Marxism has been criticised as intolerant and unable to survive. Marxism wishes to abolish something when no one is in charge to abolish it or enforce the abolition. This seems to be an absurdity. Influence John Locke influenced many epoch making future philosophers with his liberalism. It has been widely argued that though the definition of freedom as per Locke and Marx are very different, yet, even Marx was influenced by Lockes liberalism. Hence, it seems that with his theory Locke had been able to bring the relationship between men and property to an intellectual level of research. Conclusion John Lockes theory seems to be still influencing the capitalist societies around the world in seeking justifications by the name of freedom to trade and own. His theory also supported in celebrating rights to property and protection of those rights being recognized as part of human rights. But this view has also turned societies selfish to a certain extent by formulating means and trading systems whereby consumerism has grown by manifold. Karl Marxs view seems to be more scientific in endeavouring to eradicate social class structural problems. But Marxs theory also seem to go against individuals rights to celebrate creativity by celebrating its produces. John Lockes theory has its practical appeal as it is the concept behind which the people work the hardest through competitions. Locke predicted such situations where a group of people with poverty would come to exist but he failed in offering a solution for the problem as well. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that with its faults Lockes theory on property and ownerships thereof is still influencing justifications in conjunction with many other fundamental rights. The global leading capitalist nations seem to be practical proponents of this theory in practice. This concept is also connected with our democratic values which have become inalienable. The scholars are divided in their opinions about Lockes theory but it is also true that beyond the contradictions within the theory, the theory exposes the truth by which the modern world is functioning as whole where we work every day to own property either tangible or intangible.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Gender Roles In Childrens Literature Essay -- essays research papers

Gender Bias in Literature   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have thought about many different ways to organize this paper and have come to the conclusion that the best way to approach the topic is on a book-by-book basis. My perceptions of the gender biases in these books vary greatly and I did not want to begin altering my views on each so that they would fit into certain contrived connections. What interests me most in these stories is how the authors utilize certain character’s within their given environment. Their instincts and reactions are a wonderful window into how the authors perceive these â€Å"people† would interact with their surroundings and often are either rewarded or punished by the author through consequences in the plot for their responses. Through this means we can see how the authors expect their characters to behave in relation to their post in the world. We must be very careful as readers to judge these biases based only on evidence within the text and not invent them from our own psy che due to the individual world we know.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Louis Sachar’s award winning book Holes, we see gender biases in many characters. The first and most obvious bias in this book can be found in the way Sachar’s characters address Mr. Pendanski, one of the staff members at Camp Green Lake. Many of the boys refer to him sarcastically as â€Å"mom†, and it is not because of his loving nature. Mr. Pendanski is neurotic about things the boys consider trivial and he has a tendency to nag them. Because Mr. Pendanski is portrayed as the antithesis of Mr. Sir, who simply drips testosterone, others view him as a female for his weakness. The fact that Sachar allows his characters to equate weakness with femininity, or more accurately motherhood, shows a certain bias towards the supposed strength that innately accompanies masculinity. This attitude is only furthered by the fact that the rest of the book as almost totally devoid of female characters other than the witch-like caricature presented to us i n the form of the warden. She comes complete with a vicious disposition and poisonous fingernails.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most interesting part of this bias is that the boys chose to name Mr. Pendanski â€Å"mom† in light of their own personal family histories. I think it can safely be assumed that not many of these boys had a functional relationsh... ...d allows future generations to go on clinging to the same stilted social values we fault now. Each author presents to us an image of the world and then displays the principles they hold dear by controlling their characters within it. It is by analyzing these images and principles that we will be fully able to understand the views present around us and thereby form a more educated one of our own. Ernst wrote, â€Å"†¦changes in children’s books often come long after they have been seen in reality† (76). We as teachers have a responsibility to dialogue these notions with our students so that they will have the insight to write about it in the future. Bibliography  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bloor, Edward. Tangerine. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1997.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Coman, Carolyn. What Jamie Saw. New York: Puffin Books, 1995.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creech, Sharon. Walk Two Moons. New York: Harper Trophy, 1994.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ernst, Shirley B. â€Å"Gender Issues in Books for Children and Young Adults.† Battling Dragons. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1995.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sachar, Louis. Holes. New York: Frances Foster Books, 1998.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Myself: Primary Education Essay

In 1995 I was born as my father – Mohan and my mother – Kalaiselvi second child in Hospital Gerik Perak. That day when I open my eyes for the first time, my parents were very happy. My name was given on the 7th day I was born. A few moment after that, I was surrounded by many people and they said that I’m so cute and beautiful. My name was given on the 7th day I was born. Kishen Nair is my name. When I’m 10th month old I start mumbling and the word â€Å"Amma† and â€Å"Aca† was spoken by me. My parents were so happy to hear me speak. After that I began to crawling and after few months I can walk and run. I was very naughty. My dad always scold me but my mum pampered me a lot. At the age of 4, I have to go kindergarten. Oh my god, why would my parent sent me to school as I’m too young? First day at kindergarten, I was so nervous and I started to cry because my parents were not there with me. I ventured myself and try to make friends. Lucky me, I got many friends and we were so happy enjoying our school life. Graduated from kindergarten as a bright student, I move on to my primary school, first day a bit nervous but I managed to control myself from crying. I started to make new friends at new school. I didn’t really concentrate on my studies because of influenced from my friends. My exam grade slowly began to fall down and this make my parents angry on me. My parents decided to send me to tuition centre, so I began to improve myself a bit. One day, my dad lectured me and I began to realised. So I started to study hard. I gave full attention in class. I buy some exercise book to improve my knowledge. The result, I get superb result in my examination. I took my UPSR examination in 2006. After finish my UPSR exam, I was so happy because I didn’t have to go to school. I spend my holiday with my family at Pulau Pangkor. That place was so, beautiful. It help me bonding my relationship with the rest family members. Besides that, I got to spend my time with my sister and my brother. It’s really enjoyable. After 1 month of break, the nervous part began for me because the result is coming out. In the morning, I had a beautiful dreams that I am getting 5A and my parents were proud of me. Then my mom wake me up. Then only I realise it was just a dream. I wake up and took my bath. After that, my dad sent me to school and he wish me luck. I was happy a bit when I enter my school hall everyone was happy with their result. Then I saw my teacher holding my result with a happy on her face. Then I feel so happy when I saw my result. I got 3A 2B. I was a bit upset because I didn’t get 5A. My parents said that it was okay. I continue my studies in secondary school. It was quite different than primary school. Everything went well with the studies and friends. In 2009 I sat for PMR examination, it was so difficult. All the subject was tough enough and didn’t get good marks on my PMR trials. Luckily my PMR result was good enough I got 1A 2B 3C 2D and I deserve it as much as the effort I gave. After 2 years, I enter form 5 and my life changed. I always caused trouble at school. My friends and I used to bullied other students. Playing truant was the one that I always do. At the end of the year, as usual, I had to sit for SPM examination. I was so relaxed and never worried about SPM. So, when exam time, I do my exam and thank god, I passed on all of my subject. I got 1B+ 2B 1C+ 4D and 1E. In 2013, 3rd January I’ve been chosen to be part of national service team. First day at camp was so bored. Day by day, I enjoy my camp life. I got new friends from other city. I enjoy my camp life. After completed the national service, I realise that my ambition since I’m young is to be a policeman. I’m pretty sure you are wondering why I want to be a policeman even though I study in different course that doesn’t make any sense with police field. It is because, I admire my uncle. He’s a policeman. First of all, the attire for policeman is so nice. The person wearing policeman suit will look very confident and responsible. Besides, this profession needs a lot of hard work and sacrifices. Well, I’m a hardworking person and responsible. I want to serve our country and as all people know that become a policeman is very good choice. This work field can discipline oneself especially mine. In 5 years’ time, I assumed myself to be a successful and brave policeman that can serve our beloved country. I hope that I’ll be a good son to my parents as well as good friend to all my friends. Currently, I’m pursuing my studies in Diploma in Occupational Safety Health at City University College of Science and Technology and what’s interesting is after few weeks study, I got my first assignment, and this is it. All thanks to Mr. Hari, my counsellor. I’m so thankful to Mr. Hari for given me task to do. This way, I can improve my writing and not waste time doing nothing. Thank you sir. In conclusion, I’m an easy going person. I’m very thankful for the life I’ve been given and for everything. Basically this is it. That’s all about me. (1034 words).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Prescriber information

The doctor's name, address and phone number should be clearly written (or preprinted) on the top of the prescription form. Some states require the doctor's state license number to be on the form. It is not recommended that you preprint your Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number on the prescription pad. It becomes too easy for drug abusers to lift a few prescription forms for illicit use if that number is easily available.The DEA number is not required on noncontrolled prescriptions; however, many pharmacies may equest the DEA number with a prescription to help when filing the patient's medication insurance claims. For those who do not use their DEA number: Prescriptions are often counted by the DEA number. If that number is not used on prescriptions written by optometrists, the count will not reflect an accurate number of prescriptions coming from our profession. This will affect the support optometry receives from pharmaceutical companies in terms of service, educational prog ram support and involvement in pharmaceutical clinical trials. . Patient information: This portion of the prescription should include at least the first and last name of the atient and the age of the patient. Many names such as â€Å"Smith† and â€Å"Jones† should include the complete name and address to help distinguish patients with similar names. An address is required on schedule II controlled drugs and should be included on prescriptions for any controlled substance. When the exact age is unavailable the word â€Å"adult† may be used in the age slot. Children and the elderly may need the weight listed when oral medications are prescribed. 3.Date prescribed: The date is part of the legal document confirming when the prescription was written. Pharmacists are often presented prescriptions with dates that are well ast the prescribing date. Some patients elect to save prescriptions for future use. This often includes antihistamines and antibiotics that may not b e indicated or are even dangerous for the patient's present condition. 4. Superscription: This is the Rx symbol on the prescription form that designates the written document to be a prescription. Rx is an abbreviation for a Latin phrase that means â€Å"take thou. 5. Inscription: An inscription includes the drug name, concentration and type of preparation. Drug names should not be abbreviated and correct spelling is important to assure that the correct medication is dispensed. Maxitrol (neomycin and polymyxin b sulfates and dexamethasone, Alcon) and Tobra Dex (tobramycin and dexamethasone, Alcon) are examples of drugs that are prepared in ointment (ung) or drop (gt) form. Cortisporin (neomycin and polymyxin B sulfates, bacitracin zinc and hydrocortisone, Glaxo Wellcome) comes in ophthalmic and otic (ear drops) preparations.Specify which preparation you wish the patient to use. Drug names can be written using the chemical name, such as ciprofloxacin 0. 3% (Ciloxan, Alcon) or the pro prietary form that requests a specific brand name drug. This preparation is still nder patent, so if you use either name the pharmacy will provide the product manufactured by Alcon. Tobramycin has recently come off patent. If you prescribe â€Å"Tobrex† the patient should receive the drug manufactured by Alcon unless you â€Å"tobramycin,† the patient will likely receive the generic form of the drug.Homatropine and pilocarpine come in different concentrations. It is good practice to always specify the concentration, even if the drug comes in only one concentration. That drug may come in other concentrations in the future. Concentration and preparation form should be written Just to the right of the drug name. Use the metric system of weights and measures. To avoid misinterpretation of the preparation strength, follow this standard in writing percentages: If the percent is less than one, always precede the decimal with a zero, such as 0. 1% or 0. 05%.